Saturday, November 13, 2021

Halloween 2021

Halloween has become almost a month long event, with artwork from school, and sparkly candy corn clothes giving joy to those in our home. 

In the weeks preceding the official candy collection, there are foster care and church events.

This year our love bugs were able to participate in carnival games,

and request candy for the first year on their own behalf.

At school Sophia and Jason loved turning each other into mummies.

On Halloween night the littlest among us ran from house to house and were delighted by what was given to them. 

Jason and Alannah held up the rear, repeating their roles from the prior year as a Bat and Queen Elsa.

And Sophia was excited to have friends join the crew for the first time.

Little J-Man Turns 5!

Dear J-Man, Happy 5th Birthday! Does this make you a BIG kid?  You love bouncing off the  walls, just like your favorite superhero, Spider-M...