Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jason's 9th Birthday Letter


Dearest Jason,

As you embark on your tenth year of life, we have loved to see you continue to grow this past year. You are often filled with the sweetness of your spirit and the boundless enthusiasm for the world around you.

Your love for games grew this year to include Monopoly, Clue, Scattergories, Guess Who, and card games. I enjoyed many evening rounds of the “Ladybug” game before bed, and I am sure your birthday gift of Trash Pandas will be the new favorite. We often find you reading a graphic novel on the couch in your underwear. You want to bring your soccer ball with you on most walks these days. And you've been checking books out at the library on Lego building.

You remain a man in charge as you still aspire to be a police officer one day, and sometimes that comes out in ways today as trying to parent, but also keep your siblings safe. One of your questions to adults this year was if they owned a pair of handcuffs or not.

We pray you will be a man after justice and fairness, as you pursue the higher goal of wisdom in each interaction you have with people inside and out of our home.

You got your first passport this year, and very much enjoyed our trip to Paris. You walked 43,000 steps or 17 miles one day, as you often circled your parents while we walked in a straight line.

You have one of the best subtle smiles that can warm anyone’s heart when it emerges, and we pray you will continue to be a joy giver this year.

Our goals for you this year are to grow into a protector at school, a good friend to many, and one who deepens in their faith.

Happy birthday, Jason! We love you.


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sophia's 11th Birthday Letter

Dear Sophia,

As you turn 11, people are commenting more often to us how grown up you are becoming. You want to be part of most adult conversations, at least listening in to them, and often chime in with comments or questions. We hope your willingness to engage in meaningful conversations only grows as you enter your teens. So many of your peers will turn to technology for connection, we hope you lean into healthy and life giving personal relationships that help you to think deeply about what matters in life.

At the same time your mom and I have loved to see you continue to engage with your younger siblings, and friends in imaginative play. We pray that you hold onto a thread of that playfulness and creativity as it will serve you well in life, and make you a stellar babysitter in the near future. You have had two great examples for babysitters on that front this year with Rachel and Halle.

We have been so grateful for the girls Bible study that you joined this year, and the fun (and sometimes silly) relationships you have developed with those girls. We can’t wait to watch those relationships grow in this coming year.

This year has been filled with many lasts at Bernazzani as you wrap up 5th grade, and we have been grateful for Ms. Caldwell being your teacher, coming full circle as she is one of the daughters of the CKH preschool Director that you had when you started going to school.

You continued the flute this year, sang in the kids choir, and joined a hip hop class. It is sounding like the transition to middle school may introduce a number of different clubs and activities, and we hope that you find your groove in some of these new adventures.

This year we pray that you find your footing quickly in middle school, that you don’t get caught up in any of the friend drama, and can be a peaceful and kind friend to many. That you live into continuing to build your faith and focus on healthy relationships with a long term view of developing yourself and focusing on issues that matter to you and our family, instead of what you are told you should care about.

We love you, and look forward to living alongside you this coming year.




Thursday, April 11, 2024

Little J-Man Turns 5!

Dear J-Man,

Happy 5th Birthday! Does this make you a BIG kid? 
You love bouncing off the walls, just like your favorite superhero, Spider-Man. When we asked you what you wanted for your birthday, every single item you listed was somehow connected to Spider-Man, and you want to add Peter to your full name to pay homage to your love for him.

This year has been one of growth, maybe not as much as your doctors want in terms of
your weight, but it may be because you are too busy running around the house in your Spider-Man costume. Yet you are all too happy to take your mother up on the offer to be picked up in her arms, or to ride on my shoulders whenever possible.

Your favorite activities involve building with Legos, Magnatiles, and running around
and wrestling with Jason. You are full of funny catchphrases; for example, when I ask you to finish your dinner, you will often remark, “Nope, not today!” And you call bedtime story time “Book time, oh yeah!”

You have given your stuffed animals creative names like Noodles, Marley, Marty, Pasghetti, Burrito, Alex, Miko, Spots, Kitty-witty, Ketchup, and Loophole. 
Your mother and I both love your sly grin and the twinkle in your eye, and can’t get enough
of your snuggles. Your love for last year's CKH teacher, Ms. Lexi, endures as you must
find her first thing every morning to give her a hug or at least check in with her.

We will be praying for you this year that you continue to have such enthusiasm when
you see your friends at school, that we can work with you to continue to work on self-
control, and to express your emotions in words. You are as brave as a
superhero to look out for those who need a protector.

Keep being curious, keep being silly, and keep being the awesome little guy that
everyone loves.

I can't wait to see what amazing adventures this year holds!



J-girl turns 5!

Dearest J-Girl,

All five fingers this year! 

It feels like just yesterday, you and your brother entered our house as tiny peanuts, filling our home with bottle after bottle and baby gear. You have kept your very bright smile, and just added some long legs that you use to run almost everywhere as you are now wearing size 6 clothes.

My mental picture for this past year as I come down the stairs in the morning is of you
wrapped in your beloved rainbow blanket, running out of the kitchen licking your fingers
after sticking them into whatever is on the kitchen counter, with your hair sticking up as
it is not yet braided for the day, running across the living room as you launch yourself up
onto the couch with a huge grin on your face.

You remain the best eater in the house, and I pray that your love for food continues to
grow and can be an area of connection for you, me and your mom in future years.
Watching you shovel your fourth serving of dinner most nights, reminds us to appreciate
the simple pleasures in life.

You see every puddle as something to hurdle over, or jump into, regardless of your boot
status. We love seeing your independence grow, the way you race ahead with a
determined glint in your eye. And I love when we take family walks in the woods so you
can run ahead.

This year at CKH, you have loved having Ms. Mary as your teacher, and we are grateful
for the teachers who have loved you well there during our final year of many. Ms. Mary has said you are a joy to have in class, even if you and a few of your friends need a reminder to give each other space some days.

As you celebrate this birthday, we will be praying that your curiosity continues to
blossom and that you ask tons of questions and explore the world. That you continue to
work on being a good friend to those around you, and pray for some role models in your
life that will be on Team J-Girl.

Most of all, we pray for you to always know just how loved you are. 
You bring sunshine to our family, and we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish in this next year.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Christmas 2023

Christmas with Jason's Mama Maria.

Christmas with Glen and Carolyn.

Sophia's love for gift-giving.

First visit to Grammy and Grandpa's new place on Christmas day. 

Brought our Christmas tree to the Airbnb in Grantham, NH. 

Late night games and puzzles with the oldest three in our family.

Cookie decorating with 

Uncle Roger, Aunt Aimee, and Ella.


Friday, January 5, 2024

Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania with Aunt Jan and Cousin Emilie 

Nada joined us for the day and brought accessories

Uncle James and Aunt Rachael came from nearby

Aunt Jan performed a duet with Sophia

Early Christmas gifts and stockings were exchanged

Christmas Cookies were made

A trip to the Brandywine River Museum

The interactive elements were the favorites

Longwood Gardens with James, Rachael, Sophia, Nana and I

An organ concert and hot chocolate

And memories of when I used to go as a child

Back home in time for the 70th annual Christmas parade

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Jason's Birthday 2023

Birthday celebration at Alton Bay with Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Aimee, Uncle Roger and Ella

Alton Bay Festival

Face painting by Aunt Aimee

Party at home with Glen, Carolyn, and Sue Caldwell:

With a Ben & Jerry's candy cake:

Birthday celebration with Mama Maria: 

                                                           Favorite gift this year: a drone!

Jason's 9th Birthday Letter

  Dearest Jason, As you embark on your tenth year of life, we have loved to see you continue to grow this past year. You are often filled wi...