Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sophia's 11th Birthday Letter

Dear Sophia,

As you turn 11, people are commenting more often to us how grown up you are becoming. You want to be part of most adult conversations, at least listening in to them, and often chime in with comments or questions. We hope your willingness to engage in meaningful conversations only grows as you enter your teens. So many of your peers will turn to technology for connection, we hope you lean into healthy and life giving personal relationships that help you to think deeply about what matters in life.

At the same time your mom and I have loved to see you continue to engage with your younger siblings, and friends in imaginative play. We pray that you hold onto a thread of that playfulness and creativity as it will serve you well in life, and make you a stellar babysitter in the near future. You have had two great examples for babysitters on that front this year with Rachel and Halle.

We have been so grateful for the girls Bible study that you joined this year, and the fun (and sometimes silly) relationships you have developed with those girls. We can’t wait to watch those relationships grow in this coming year.

This year has been filled with many lasts at Bernazzani as you wrap up 5th grade, and we have been grateful for Ms. Caldwell being your teacher, coming full circle as she is one of the daughters of the CKH preschool Director that you had when you started going to school.

You continued the flute this year, sang in the kids choir, and joined a hip hop class. It is sounding like the transition to middle school may introduce a number of different clubs and activities, and we hope that you find your groove in some of these new adventures.

This year we pray that you find your footing quickly in middle school, that you don’t get caught up in any of the friend drama, and can be a peaceful and kind friend to many. That you live into continuing to build your faith and focus on healthy relationships with a long term view of developing yourself and focusing on issues that matter to you and our family, instead of what you are told you should care about.

We love you, and look forward to living alongside you this coming year.




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