Sunday, October 20, 2013

Eagles go Apple Picking

Rita,Desie,and I attended the Boston College(Go Eagles!)School of Social Work together.

The obligatory baby with pumpkins picture
Desie and I were roommates during our BC days. She had come for a visit from Colorado,and was meeting Sophia for the first time.

Our outing started with lunch at the Noon Hill Grill in Medfield, MA. It is housed in an old train station, and has delicious food.

About ten minutes down the road is Jane and Paul's Farm in Norfolk. We love it here for picking everything. Unlike many of the other farms in the area there is no admission fee and no crowds. In fact there was even free hot apple cider.

For three dollars you could purchase the hayride/corn maze package.

We picked incredibly sweet corn that a few hours later became corn fritters.

The 1/2 bushel of apples we picked became apple crisp for dessert that night, apple dumplings the next evening, and went into baked oatmeal the following morning.

Fortunately Sophia led Rita's boyfriend Steve, and the rest of us, out of the corn maze safely. 

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