Sunday, December 15, 2013

Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia

Sophia took her first plane ride to Washington, DC. 
Fortunately the total flight time was only about an hour, so we knew it couldn't be too bad. Also there was actually some unexpected freedom in being stuck in the same space with other people. Unlike when I might feel self-conscious about the need to remove her from the room for making noise, the other passengers knew we couldn't go anywhere.

Our adventure began by exploring the airport terminal.

When it came time to board, Sophia gave her best, "Let's do this" face as her Dad carried her on the plane.

She then proceeded to greet all the other passengers with shrieks as we made our way to our seats. This did not instill confidence in regards to how the rest of the trip would go. However, once we were seated, Sophia showed her understanding of the concept by doing her impersonation of an airplane in flight.

She slept most of the trip until we started the descent. She actually seemed to like the landing, almost as if it were a carnival ride.

We went to DC for a legislative conference her Dad was attending. Sophia was the youngest attendee by about thirty years. Here she is listening to the governor of Wyoming discuss energy policy.

Since we were away from the house there was no laundry to fold, or other chores to accomplish, so Sophia and I passed the time by doing things like building pillow forts in the hotel room.

We spent one day with our friend Shannon, and her two sweet boys, Behr and Hudson. Unfortunately Sophia's shrieks of joy terrified poor Hudson.

However, he was still kind enough to share his stroller with her, providing Sophia with a front row view of DC.

On our final day we rode the metro to the end of the line in Maryland to visit my freshman and sophomore year college roommate, Stefanie. Our little girls are only seven days apart in age.

We ended the trip with a stop at the World Bank to visit our friend Violet.

This final picture documents Sophia's very brief time in Virginia, it consisted of the Dulles Airport.

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