Sunday, November 23, 2014

National Adoption Day 2014

Friday November 21st was National Adoption Day. On this day every year thousands of children have their adoptions legalized in court houses across the United States. Then there are big parties to celebrate these families forming.

Joshua and I have individually felt adoption would be part of how we grew our family prior to Sophia's birth and prior to meeting each other. This year we spent the day making phone calls to find answers for the blanks on our initial paperwork for the "Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Adoption Application Licensing Unit".

We both kissed the application before Sophia and I brought it down to the post office and got every sort of certified/insurance/guarantee that was available. There is so much out of your control with this process, we figured we could at least know whether it was delivered.

We have no idea if it will be years before our adoption is finalized or much sooner but we are celebrating this next step towards the rest of our family. 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your beautiful family. We look forward to seeing how your family grow.


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