Sunday, December 21, 2014

Washing Deviled Eggs

Washing Deviled Eggs (or "Breakfast with a Toddler").

Sophia's typical breakfast is a scoop of raw old-fashioned oats and a spoonful of frozen blueberries in plain organic full fat yogurt or milk. We do try to add in some variety and eggs are near the top of her many 
favorite foods. Scrambled...hard-boiled....fried- she hadn't encountered one she didn't like.

This was until the day I attempted to serve her Deviled Eggs for breakfast. It soon became clear that the consistency of the mashed yolk was the most distressing. 

Upon first encounter with yolk:

Refusing to even look at it:

Fearing that it has become a permanent paste:

I have a hard time with wasting food for many reasons:
  • Someone had to grow it or
  • An animal had to die for it
  • Someone's money was spent to buy it
  • And many people who don't have it, would be grateful for it

Despite being able to afford otherwise, it was common in my family to cut mold off of food where spores weren't involved. I don't encourage Sophia to finish her food when she is no longer hungry, but I do find myself often eating up her leftovers.

In this instance, I decided the best course of action was to wash the offending matter off of the Deviled Eggs. Once the yolks were gone, Sophia was happy to eat up the whites.

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