Sunday, March 27, 2016

Three Pre-Easter March Celebrations

In early March we attended two birthday parties.
One for Dr. Seuss who would be turning 112, and our friend Jesse Patrick was who turning 4.  We also had a great time at the South Shore Children's Museum St. Patrick's Day Party.

Everyone who came to Dr. Suess's Birthday received a party favor of a 'Cat in the Hat' nose.

'Pin the Hat on the Cat' in the Children's Library.

'The Cat' is holding baby J in her arms. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to share his face on the internet yet and the sweet way he was looking up at her.

Dr. Seuss Classics Memory game.

Jesse's 4th Birthday

Following the teacher's lead to sketch out her painting alongside the birthday boy.

Sophia's Daddy made a painting for her to hang in her room next to the one she created.

South Shore Children's Museum St. Patrick's Day Party

Created by Sophia using a foam cut out kit (nose and mouth courtesy of her father).

Front row seat for the Irish step dancers and a lesson after the performance:

1 comment:

  1. Love the dance lessons. Think of you and your crew often.


Sophia's 11th Birthday Letter

Dear Sophia, As you turn 11, people are commenting more often to us how grown up you are becoming. You want to be part of most adult convers...