Sunday, September 2, 2018

Jason's 3rd Birthday Letter

Dear Jason (nicknames include JB Jammers, JB, J-Man, and JJ),
Your third year has been full of wide mouthed toothy grins, enthusiastic yelling at the top of your lungs, and rain boots no matter the weather.
We were thrilled to legally welcome you into the Archambault clan in March, but your belonging has felt natural from the beginning.
You routinely charm the adults in your life. From the childcare workers at the Y, people at the library, strangers on the street and especially your mother. You love to flash a mischievous grin as you test boundaries, but you put your whole self into a high five for following directions.
People often remark how affectionate you are.  You love to give hugs and kisses while taking loops through the house, or at random intervals while playing.
You don’t want to miss a moment if someone is going out, and always ask to join in the car regardless of the location and want to bring along your beloved guitar. You spend hours each day strumming on the floor of the living room or in your car seat, or in the backyard, or anywhere we will let you bring it along. One of those places this year was family camp in New Hampshire, which led to a memorable moment. You were invited up front by the band leader and welcomed the chance to stand next to him with your little guitar playing along. We pray that your love for music and worship grows in concert.
While your words are still limited, it certainly does not stop you. If you don’t have the word yet, you make up a sign, act out a whole scene or point to a picture in a book until your mother or I can guess what you want to communicate. You are clear and to the point.
Your interests have remained consistent this year, with trains being a favorite. Almost anything has become a train for you including a drinking straw, pool noodle, pencil, small box, and pieces of food. We love to see your creativity as you play.
A newer interest of late has been bugs. You will stop in the middle of the sidewalk, get down as low as you can, and watch intently for as long as we will let you. You are fully immersed in the bug's world for a few minutes.
This upcoming year is a big one as you start preschool, we are praying for a love of learning to grow at Campus Kinder Haus as you join Sophia there, and you continue to show kindness to others as you join the Bear class.
We are optimistic because you love your older sister, and our newest foster addition little A. You delight in helping them out, even if your hugs can look more like wrestling some days. Sophia's birthday prayer for you was, "Dear God, Thank that Jason's birthday is so good. Thank you that everything is gooder than it was supposed to be. Amen." We are grateful for the many ways you enrich our lives.

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