Tuesday, November 3, 2020

How Halloween Happened

September 2020 questions of a seven year old, "What is my Halloween costume going to be?", "Are we going trick or treating this year?" She didn't know yet to ask, " Will there be snow on the ground? "

But there were all of these things and it was wonderful.

As to the answer for the first question, she was Queen Elsa from the movie Frozen for the third year in a row. Next year, we are going to need a new costume for this growing girl, but we will keep it in the dress up chest. Just like we did with the tiger costume that has now been worn by Sophia, Jason, Alannah and now Jayden.

And with Alannah's costume choice this year, we got to have two Elsas!

Our October experience was enriched by trunk or treat events at both our church and our foster care agency.

It was interesting to observe the priorities of our trick or treating crew, the seven year old was focused on the dress up aspect, the five and three year old were most excited about the candy, and the one year olds were fixated on removing the hoods of their costumes.

Half of the cousins live in Colorado, and the other half live in New England. Thanks to a work conference for Josh over Halloween last year, we were able to spend it in Colorado. This year we were able to go trick or treating with the cousins who live in Vermont.

As well as do some tractor driving and bonfire building.

And a hike through the woods before the candy consumption began!

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