Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Little J-man's second birthday letter

Dear Little J-man,

You joined our family at just a few pounds. You may still be on the smaller side, but your smile and personality command the room. You have charmed every doctor and nurse you have encountered during your many medical appointments over your short life. We have been very impressed with how well you have weathered all the poking and prodding, and speak up for yourself.

You love to snuggle on my shoulder, be carried around, read books, and play with trains. While you often watch your sister attempt something first, you are enthusiastic when you decide to try something, whether it be going down a slide, or standing on top of the coffee table and singing at the top of your lungs. One of my favorite things you do is run into a room when you hear music and start to flap your little arms dancing and twirling around. You give the best reassuring hand pats on our back or arm, often when we pick you up or snuggle into a hug.

It has been so fun to start to hear your words emerge. Your favorite word has to be puppy as you have treasured all of the opportunities we have had with friends that have dogs that let you lay on top of them in a full-body bear hug—which is a good illustration of how you love the people in your life as well.

Kathy is a favorite friend of yours, and you love when she arrives with Carolyn each week to play with you and your sister.

You have great curly hair that seems to endlessly have food in it at mealtimes. You are always up for wrestling, climbing in and out of boxes, and occasionally scaling the counter or table.

You and your sister have been dream sleepers, and we are very grateful. It may help that since you sleep in the same room we often hear the two of you deep in toddler conversation before falling asleep. 

My prayer for you this year is that your language grows enough so we can hear all of the thoughts you are thinking, and your voice continues to carve out a distinct place in this family.

We are thankful for the time we have gotten to spend with you during your second year on earth.




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