Monday, August 29, 2022

Jason's 7th Birthday Letter

Dear Jason, (favorite nicknames: Jace, Jaybers, Jaybes, JB Jammers, J)

Turning 7 seems like a big deal. 

Entering first grade seems like a big deal.

Your kindergarten teacher Ms. Moran, loved having you in class this year. 

She loved your frequent hugs, how hard you tried on your work, how you would

befriend the quietest kids in your class, and how you often offered to help other

students with their work. 

Your reading took off this year, and it was so fun to watch.

You still maintain an undying love for trains this year, but added helicopters to the

love list. 

You and I have played numerous hands of Uno before bed, and you jump

at any opportunity to play a board game, or have a “family wrestle.”

You are a compassionate and thoughtful boy, most recently highlighted when you

won two prizes at summer camp and made sure to get something Sophia would

enjoy playing with as well, and gave her first pick of the two options. 

You are the quickest to apologize in the family. We pray that your loyalty to 

family and thinking of others remains as you get older.

At the beach in New Jersey this year, we got to witness you marvel in catching fireflies,

 and I enjoyed watching you study them closely when they landed on your hands. 

You often pause whatever you are doing to point out bugs of all kinds, or planes, or birds to

everyone in the family- just so we can enjoy staring at it with you.

You jump at the chance to help me with any house project, and replace the kitchen trash 

bag without being asked on on trash day. 

You still don’t love the spotlight, but everyone of your teachers and

summer camp counselors go out of their way to tell us how much they love having you

there, and how you have made a positive impression on them.

You would far prefer to stay at home in your underwear playing with trains or magna tiles

these days, but still have enjoyed the many adventures we had this year.

You often comment how thankful you are to be home, once we get into the house.

We love you, and pray that this year God will continue to grow your confidence in your core

gifts of loving others well with running hugs, and compliments. That you will continue to

mature into a protector of your siblings that wants only the best for them.




  1. A written gift of love by a Father who sees and appreciates the wonder of Jason

  2. Happy birthday, Jason, and thank you, Josh, for sharing what a fine boy he is.


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