Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Quarter

One Month
Two Months
Three Months

Dear Sophia,

Congratulations on the completion of the first quarter of your first year! Even though the time has gone fast, your Dad and I are thrilled that it is still just a small percentage of the many years we have to spend with you.

We were recently asked what surprised us most after becoming parents. Your Dad said, "How much I enjoyed spending time with her from day one". (He knew he would love you right away, but was looking forward to playing and thought that might take a while.) I said, "How hard it is to complete one load of laundry while taking care of an infant". I have a renewed appreciation for single Moms as well as a renewed sense of gratitude for your Dad and the many people who love you and help us.

Sophia, when I look at these pictures it reminds me how quickly you are growing in such a short span of time. So, when you fall asleep in my arms and I am tempted to quickly lay you in your bed so that I can throw in that extra load of laundry....I linger a bit longer to feel the warm weight of you, to listen to your soft breathing, and to soak in your tiny features.

As first time parents, we aren't really sure what is normal baby behavior and what is unusual. We are amazed or terrified by just about everything you do. After spending my pregnancy with you doing constant research on how to incubate a human, I decided that once you were here I should read a little bit less, and focus more of my energies on just being present with you. 

We have gone to your doctor's office several times now for regular check ups. At every visit he asks us what you have been up to, and tells us what to look for next. I listen to what he says, but try not to think too much about it. You will have your own timeline, and it is a very rare adult who never learns to walk on two feet.

So far you have done everything the doctor has asked us about, but this is our own list of favorite things from your first three months:

1. Your facial expressions:"sour face" and "side glance"
2. Sometimes after you sneeze you let out a little sigh
3. The way you study the birds on your bouncy seat and lean in to stare at faces
4. When you wake up, you stretch your arms out,and turn your head from side to side, while sticking out your chin, raising your eyebrows, and pursing your lips
5. When you smile so big your nose wrinkles and how often you are this way upon waking in the morning

We love you lots Sophia,
Mom and Dad

P.S. The elephant in these pictures is one that your Grandfather Condon had when he was a little boy.


  1. I love this post. It brings a smile to my face to read your loving reflections on being a mommy! Beautiful in every way!

  2. Thanks Ames. I am looking forward to you meeting Sophia the next time you are in the U.S. But until then I love that you can be connected through pictures and hearing about what she is up to!


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