Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Dinner at our house has become a rather hectic experience. Close to Sophia's bedtime, we tend to eat quickly while passing her back and forth.

My experiences of eating out on Valentine's day have been somewhat hectic as well....crowded....loud....feeling a bit rushed as the table needs to be turned over for the next diners.

Last year we started a new tradition of going to the grocery store and picking out whatever we wanted for one meal.  Things we normally wouldn't splurge on (for example buying the pint of Ben & Jerry's, instead of the store brand). An essential item is good crusty bread with lots of butter, as that is probably my favorite part of eating at a restaurant. The other rule is that it is all prepared foods. Last year I went to Whole Foods, and this year it was Trader Joe's, both times the total cost of our meal amounted to about the cost of one restaurant entree.

Sophia was napping as we sat down for dinner.....I put on a favorite cd of Ella & Louis....sprinkled fake rose petals on the table along with Valentine's cards that had been sent to Sophia....and lit some candles (which made it too dark, so Joshua brought a table lamp in from the living room to preserve the ambiance). 

Yes, there was a high chair, a 'pack n play', an 'exersaucer', and a changing table decorating the perimeter of the room, but there was also table side dancing and discussions of where we might take a 10th Anniversary trip in three years.

When it came time for dessert, there was also a visitor.

For Joshua's Valentine's Day gift, I created a list of Thank You's for the ways he had shown love to his girls throughout the year. Some of the highlights: 
Washing diapers & dishes; Shoveling snow & cleaning up cat vomit; Reading "Big Red Barn" instead of emails & bouncing a baby during conference calls.

I love both flowers and chocolates, but I struggle with the obligatory nature of "The Man must buy flowers, chocolates, and a greeting card or get in trouble". I like the idea of celebrating love, but easily tire of the marketing suggesting that a $300 necklace is the best way of showing it. With all this said, I appreciated that Joshua unexpectedly chose to give me one of my favorite things this year, a book!

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