Sunday, May 24, 2015

2nd Birthday Letter


Every year Joshua writes me a letter for my birthday, which is always my favorite gift. Featured below is Sophia's second birthday letter from her father:

My dearest Sophia (favorite nicknames from this year included: Sweet-Pea, Sweet-one, Sweetie, Little one, and Monkey),

Happy second birthday! It was a historic year for sure, which included the snowiest winter in Boston’s history. But more importantly you are becoming a wonderful and delightful toddler these days. You have experienced a tremendous word explosion over the last few months and hearing you speak in full sentences has been lovely. (You still call yourself “you,” but we will get there. This learning language thing is complicated. I am still working on it myself.)

At the start of the year you had only a couple words and little hair, now you have a full head of hair that curls in the humidity and hundreds of words, with more being added every day. You love singing and dancing in the kitchen, and mechanical things such as figuring out how toys work, building towers, and playing in the small sandbox in our backyard. 

You have no problem leaving us when you have a chance to go play with Kevin, Jesse and Desmond, or Finn and Rowan, or Maggie and Baby Duncan during the week.  You are often simply gleeful when Brit or Carolyn are coming over to take care of you at our home, and you remain one of the most social kids I know.  You love to help cook in the kitchen, and your step stool with a railing from Glen has made it possible for you to “help” wash dishes, pour in ingredients, and stir the food we are making. Your favorite meal is still frozen blueberries with raw oats and milk.

I have to be honest I was slightly worried about surviving your second year. I remember starting the year by taking you downstairs one very early morning (around 3:30 am) and falling asleep on the floor while you continued to play with toys. Luckily for me you eventually got bored and curled up next to me and fell asleep. But by now you are sleeping well most nights, and that has allowed us to fully appreciate the time we get with you. 

I have been so impressed with your compassion, often handing toys to other kids when they are sad, or giving them a hug, and even becoming upset yourself when someone is hurt.  It is a trait that I see in your mother and pray that she and I can continue to cultivate. You are always on the move doing a puzzle (a favorite activity at the moment) or pouring hot tea for guests, or reading book after book. Unlike at your first birthday, where slobber was often left or a head butt exchanged, you have learned the art of a simple goodnight kiss on my cheek, which is pure sugar and often a highlight of my day. Thank you for those.

You have continued to travel widely with us this year, including a trip out of the country to the Dominican Republic, and trips to Georgia, Colorado, North Carolina, Washington DC, Florida, Maine, New York and Louisiana--all on top of trips to see family in New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. You continue to be up for almost anything including riding the bus back from the airport late at night when returning from a trip. Your mother and I have been so grateful to you for this.

Your sense of humor has started to emerge, and I look forward to teaching you jokes. You love to scream with joy, swing whenever one is available, and look for the biggest slide to go down.I have treasured the moments we walk around the neighborhood and watch you explore the field and flowers at the John Adams estate around the corner from our house. With all of these in mind, we thank God for the blessing of last year, and look forward to more to celebrate next year.



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