Sunday, September 10, 2017

J's Second Birthday Letter

Dear J-Man, (nicknames include Jbird, JB and little man),

Your second year on Earth has once again been full of smiles. You have figured out that cameras and cell phones are used to take pictures and you often flash a goofy grin when someone wants to take your picture. Of course, you want to see it right after as well. You love to scroll through pictures on anyone’s cell phones that will let you, and like to pretend to make phone calls by holding the phone up to your ear.

While your words are still somewhat limited (Mama, Dada, and hot), you can clearly communicate with sign language, pointing, mock siren noises, and lots of umms, grunts and loud screams. We love how expressive you are becoming in every day interactions.

You love babies and often walk around the house looking for people to give hugs and kisses to in a rotating and repeating manner.

You want to interact with kids of all ages, even if that often comes in the form of too hard hugs, pinching of cheeks and bonks on the head these days. You run most places, and often have a matchbox car in your hand.

Your love for things that move is deep. Trains top the list, with buses, trucks, planes, and motorcycles as favorites as well. You love to point out planes in the sky and run straight to the front door to see passing trains.

You like to alert others around you that there is a train or plane by patting their arm and pointing, and often pat the ground next to you when you want someone to join you sitting down to watch what interests you, or join you in playing. I hope this desire to invite others into your world remains as you grow older. I feel grateful every time you have extended the invitation to me.

These days spray bottles, grabbing anything on the kitchen counter, buckles, and books about trucks fill your days. Carolyn Thompson remains a favorite at church and you hang out with her on Thursdays.

We pray that as spoken language comes, your caring nature translates into your words.

We thank God for the blessing of last year, and look forward to more to celebrate next year.


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