Sunday, April 7, 2019


This girl is an example of God's goodness and generosity in our life. 
And this guy is another daily reminder.
Since Sophia and Jason arrived, eight more gifts have joined us for  a night or a week, and one little lady is still with us after almost a year.

As we process the possibility of her leaving, I said to their Godmother Carolyn, "I know that God is trustworthy. I want to trust Him, but I am struggling to do so".
She smiled and responded with the warmest tone, "God knows that".

Recently at Bible study we had five minutes of silence to reflect on times during the past week when God felt near and when He felt far. It helped me to remember that God never moves away, but that I can distance myself when I turn to worry instead of to Him.

With a 5, 3, and 1 year old, fingerprints are a common occurrence in our home. On places that should be too high for little hands to reach, and made with substances that are unidentifiable.

These are just some of the fingerprints left by the presence of God over the course of a recent week:

3.21- Jason came downstairs with a face covered in marker, giving me a laugh that I needed.
3.22- A friend calls and I am able to talk to her during a half hour commute I had alone in the car.
3.23- A retreat, where I join 130 others to sing, "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord".
3.24- Dinner with foster family friends followed by a Bible study with more friends on the topic of where our strength comes from.
3.25- Putting Sophia to bed that night I was trying silently to think of a song about trusting God I could sing to her and she just started singing, "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus". Friends gave up their date night to drive an hour and a half round trip to bring me a delicious dinner and dessert after the kids were in bed while Josh was on a work trip.
3.26- An email from someone at DCF after her work day should have ended, to let us know she is praying with us.
3.27- A friend offers to watch the kids so I can go to Bible study while Josh is still away. The scripture is about not worrying because God loves and provides.
3.28- Our very first social worker sends an email, continuing to provide support years after her formal work with us has ended. A friend sends Sophia a "just because" card.

God is good and generous. We are grateful.

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