Sunday, April 26, 2020

Saturday Spa Day

It started with a stay at home inspired clean out of a drawer filled with never used bath salts and lotions. The cucumbers were courtesy of Jason pretending one was a villian and bashing it on the table to a point of in-edibility.  

Sophia loaded up the tub with a very fragrant combination of lavender epsom salts, a honey fizz, and peach bubble bath. I played "relaxing spa" music, and we both soaked and talked. 

Afterwards we smelled all the different lotions and picked out our favorite ones. 

 Joshua brought us up pears and seltzer with frozen cherries.

The final step was nail polish, though we made the rookie mistake of leaving it on the sink, which inspired Jason to paint his fingernails as well as the windowsill.

We have now done this three Saturdays in a row and Sophia says it is her favorite part of being out of school.
If you have a bath tub and zero or more children, we highly recommend it.

1 comment:

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