Sunday, April 12, 2020

Twins turn 1!

Dear Sweet Babies,

Two days prior to your arrival in our home, we didn't know of your existence. 
When asked if we would foster three-month-old twins we said yes, but received a call a few hours later that you would be going to a different foster home.
We went to bed that night somewhat relieved but also disappointed.

The next afternoon we found out that you would indeed be coming our way, which you did the following morning. We were blessed by attending family camp the very next week, as we had lots of hands willing to hold you during mealtimes and some instant bonding in our family cabin of 6.

When we returned home, we were on a steep learning curve until at some point we fell into an ever-changing rhythm that is both challenging and deeply joyful. It does feel in many ways as if you have always been here.

You both have been so willing to go along for our adventures and have delighted in our two big kids. In return, nine months later, Sophia and Jason still continually ask to hold both of you.

Baby boy, you treat us to the best chortle laugh and a wide smile with a laid-back disposition. We have caught you beaming up at us when sitting in a coffee shop for no reason, and now have sweet curls on your head. Your first year has been filled with medical appointments and you have been so tolerant of all the poking and prodding. You love to be held and will give little pats on the arm of the person holding you. You are still toothless, and you are an amazing sleeper! 

Baby girl, you want to explore the world, and your face lights up when we come into the room. You have had a great toothless grin for so long, but just this week a tooth has started to emerge. You want to be around people all the time, and will follow us into the kitchen when we leave the living room--just to not lose sight of us. You LOVE to dance to music and are the best eater of anyone in the family, letting us know with a loud squawk when your tray needs to be refilled. 

You both have brought so much joy to our family, our church, and your Thursday caregivers Kathy, Carolyn, and Linda.

We don't know if you will still be living in our home on your second birthday, but we are certain that we will still be celebrating two of our greatest gifts.


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