Sunday, June 16, 2013

Family Firsts: Father's Day

I know from personal experience that the father-daughter bond can be a very powerful one. It is clear that these two have already begun to make that connection. 

When I was pregnant, Joshua didn't want to hug me too tightly so as to avoid harming the baby. He already loved you, Sophia.

Despite the fact that we didn't want to learn the gender in advance, he had a strong hunch that we were having a little girl. Now that we know both her gender and name, it is rare to hear him call her Sophia....usually it is.....'little one', 'cheeks Archambault', 'squeak', or 'sweetest pea'. 

When we brought her home from the hospital, he was always making sure she was wearing a hat or that everyone would wash their hands before holding her. When we went to the beach for the first time, he had her fully covered from head to toe. When she is having a difficult time, he is often the one who rocks her and speaks softly to her. When she is working out a digestive issue he coaches her enthusiastically as if at a sporting event. I have been told to get the camera because 'she is making the cutest face'. It was once suggested that I eat dinner in the dark, because the light was bothering her eyes.

Sophia, you are incredibly blessed to have this man as your father, and I am forever grateful to have him as my teammate in raising you.

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