Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mental Pictures

From 9:30 in the morning until 6:30 pm (with stops), we had been on the road driving to visit my family in Ohio. At 11:00 we were finally ready to go to bed, but Sophia wasn't. 

I was frustrated as she laid on my chest, seemingly undecided about eating but convinced about being upset. 

Right then Joshua encouraged me to take a mental picture. For a few seconds I just soaked in her wrinkled up face. 

Before our wedding a friend had encouraged us to take 'mental pictures', knowing how fast the day would go. Now knowing how fast the years will go, I appreciated Joshua's encouragement. 

Sometimes I think to myself.....'will I someday wish I could have this moment back even if I'm not enjoying it right now?'

The answer is there will never be enough time......but I am attempting to pause long enough to take some mental pictures.....perhaps particularly during those moments when I need to remember what a gift I've been given. 

1 comment:

Little J-Man Turns 5!

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