Sunday, July 7, 2013

First Fourth

For Sophia's first fourth of July we drove to upstate New York to visit Rob and Di, whom after 23 years of friendship have now been classified as family.

We spent the rest of the day swimming in the lake, sitting on the porch, and eating outside.


The next morning friends of theirs (several shared by us) came for breakfast bringing strawberry rhubarb crisp, blueberry crumble, scones, fresh cherries and other treats, as well as magazine clippings that Di pasted into a picture book she was making for Sophia. She also lent us several of the books she owned as a child, including an original 1933 copy of Babar, a series Joshua loved when he was little.


In the afternoon we enjoyed the lake of another pair of dear friends, Nadine and Ira. They provided a delicious BBQ Buffet for dinner that night.

Nadine holding Sophia for the 1st Time

Before heading back home the following morning, we had a pancake breakfast outside and lingered until noon.


We delayed getting back on the highway, and instead drove on a smaller road through the Berkshire Mountains. To cap off our trip we had a wonderful lunch at the Blueberry Hill Market Cafe.



  1. Whoa, flashback! I just remembered visiting these lovely folk in my teenage-hood and..making jam? What beautiful family photos Liz!

    1. Yes! Another favorite....remember when we went to Dutch Wonderland? Definitely going to need to bring Sophia there when she gets a bit older.


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