Sunday, March 23, 2014

Anticipating Spring

Sophia's first winter was cold and snowy, but it did not set any records. She lives in New England where these things are to be expected.  I have lived my whole life in places where it snows. I love the smell of snow and watching it fall, as well as wearing big bulky sweaters and curling up in blankets with hot drinks.

Photo Credit: Ashley Lynch-Mahoney

Still, one of my favorite things about winter is how I feel when spring actually arrives, and the anticipation leading up to it. It is the same reason I tend to only eat fruits when they are in season, despite year round availability in the grocery store. Yes, it tends to be cheaper this way, and the flavor is usually better, but my primary motivation is the satisfaction that comes with waiting. 

Photo Credit: Ashley Lynch-Mahoney

By the end of the winter, I am admittedly ready for the next season. I think some cope better with the cold by getting involved with winter sports. Since I have never been a fan of any type of sport (see Sophia & Sports) this method doesn't work for me. I am however grateful for the wisdom of our native New England friends. For instance, putting my child in a swing during this time of year would have never occurred to me.

When I was growing up, the first way we welcomed spring each year was a trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show. This year, I brought my little girl, along with our friends Carolyn and Hazel, to the Boston one.

Even if you went through the entire show with your eyes closed, the smells alone (Hyacinths in particular) provide encouragement that spring is coming.

Carolyn and Hazel are both incredible gardeners. As we walked through the rows, they would yell out various Latin plant names, making me feel as if I was accompanied by special tour guides.

Flowers burst open in every shade, some so bright it almost hurt your eyes to look.

My favorite part of the show was the almost barren trees with just a few green leaves. This is the season we are about to begin. It seems miraculous when all of a sudden buds start appearing everywhere. The anticipation growing ever stronger as you realize it will really happen and happen soon. This was the season one year ago, when I knew it wouldn't be long before I would hold my little one.

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