Sunday, March 9, 2014

Third Quarter

Seven Months

8 Months
9 Months
Dear Sophia,

Not so long ago I looked at you and thought, "I can't believe you are actually here" and a few months later it was, "I can't believe you are able to sit across from me unassisted". Every day I get to know you better. When I look at the expression in your seventh month photo, it isn't generic to me, but rather a familiar "Sophia look".

At 8 months, when I try to put you in a seated position for a photo, it isn't long before I have to put down the camera to make sure you don't topple towards me. During month 8 you also officially started crawling. Sometimes you seem so "grown-up" to me, for instance when you turn the pages of your board books all by yourself. But soon after you start chewing on the pages, and I am reminded that you are still quite small.

At 9 months you are crawling everywhere, interested in anything that is not meant to be a toy, and waving at everyone you see. I enjoy being the center of your small radius as you venture out and then turn around to make sure I'm still close by. You continue to look less and less like a baby and more like a toddler. It isn't so much that you are growing up fast, but rather that it is happening all at once. For instance, you climbed a whole flight of stairs before we realized you were capable of doing one step.

Nine months has been the easiest one yet for us. I think it is a  combination of you being able to go longer stretches without eating (and also longer stretches sleeping) while your Dad and I have also learned a few things about how to care for you. Our goal in the coming months is to help you continue to explore your world, while keeping the bumps and bruises (you've had a few) to a minimum.

So glad you're here,
Mom & Dad

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